Question: <% Set Application("Thing") = Server.CreateObject("THINGDOER.thingy") %> The above code appears in the global.asa file. What would it accomplish?
Answer: A. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in Contents Collection of the Application object. B. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in StaticObjects Collection of the Application object. C. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in the Application.Buffer Collection Of the Application object. D. It would create an application-level variable named "Thing" with the value of the object property "THINGDOER.thingy". (Answer) E. It would fail to create a "Thing" object because the code requires the Application.Lock and Application.Unlock methods.
<% Set Application("Thing") = Server.CreateObject("THINGDOER.thingy") %> The above code appears in the global.asa file. What would it accomplish? Answer:
A. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in Contents Collection of the Application object. B. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in StaticObjects Collection of the Application object. C. It would create a "Thing" object and place it in the Application.Buffer Collection Of the Application object. D. It would create an application-level variable named "Thing" with the value of the object property "THINGDOER.thingy". (Answer) E. It would fail to create a "Thing" object because the code requires the Application.Lock and Application.Unlock methods. Source:
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