How would describe your ideal job?
It should have challenging environment to work with and which can give a platform to improve one's skills simultaneously that leads to the growth of the company. Source:
Answered by: Bhimesh | Date: 10/6/2008
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It should have healthy environment to work with in a well established company. it can give a better platform to improve our skills and way of working which will be more effective for growth of the company and for our growth too. Source:
Answered by: Sharad | Date: 4/13/2010
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it should be where u work comfortabley & where the main motive is not just to earn money for the work being given to u & also where u not feel that u r out of ur home Source:
Answered by: shilpa | Date: 4/17/2010
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It should be interesting,challenging in a peacefull and friendlly enviornment in which one can freely share his/ her ideas for the betterment of the organisation and improve one's skills simultaneously that leads to the growth of the organisation. Source:
Answered by: indusharma | Date: 4/19/2010
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idle job is that where our multi-management skills have chance to perform them and get enough satisfaction Source:
Answered by: sudheer | Date: 5/8/2010
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ya, in this organzation environment is healthy relationship one to among,then job is related to contact all human beings. Source:
Answered by: muppala.prathap | Date: 6/29/2010
| Contact muppala.prathap
My ideal job is to work in a healthy environment where i shud feel confortable wid other employees and my ideas and opinions will be entertained during decision making process. More importantly i shud get a job satisfaction than money . Of course money is also important. So overall i wud like to work der wer der is a better environment,better job and better package. Source:
Answered by: prachi | Date: 7/1/2010
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it should we healthy,challenging envirounment where we feel more confertable and where we use our ides,skill which is more inmortant for conpany groth. Source:
Answered by: varsha narain | Date: 9/3/2010
| Contact varsha narain
my idel job should we challenging and comfortable where i should feel cofertable to other employes and improve our skills which is more important for company groth.......... Source:
Answered by: varsha narain | Date: 9/3/2010
| Contact varsha narain
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