Question: What is procedure cache and data cache?
Answer: Procedure cache is the memory area where compiled query tree run e.g, procedure, batch query. <br>Data Cache is the memory area where data that is required for the current queries running is bought from Disk on to memory for building result sets.
What is procedure cache and data cache?
Procedure cache is the memory area where compiled query tree run e.g, procedure, batch query. <br>Data Cache is the memory area where data that is required for the current queries running is bought from Disk on to memory for building result sets. Source:
Data cache is the portion of the adaptive server where data,index and log pages are in currently by the server are held.<br>procedure cache is the portion of the adaptive server where query plans are in currently by the server are held. Source:
Answered by: thangaprakash | Date: 3/11/2009
| Contact thangaprakash
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