What is a "trigger"?
Trigger are storage procedure that database should take action when relevant event occur<br><br> In other word we can say trigger are stored procedure that fire when the relevant event occur such as insertion , deletion, updation. Source:
Triggers allows us to execute a batch of SQL code when either an insert, update or delete command is executed against a specific table.<br>Triggers are special types of stored procedures that are defined to execute automatically in place of or after data modifications. They can be executed automatically on the insert, delete and update operation. Source:
Answered by: Bhavana Hotchandani | Date: 3/12/2009
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Trigger are the group of sql statements which is automatically fire when relevant event occur such as insert, delete, update. Source:
Answered by: manas ranjan sahoo | Date: 10/13/2009
| Contact manas ranjan sahoo
Trigger is stored procedures which occured at specific event or action Source:
Answered by: Deeksha | Date: 3/15/2010
| Contact Deeksha
Ttiggers is a special kind of procedure that execute automatically when a user attempt a specified data modification statement on the specified table. It allows the creatin of multiple triggers for any event insert,update, delete. Deleted(keyword)and inserted(keyword)are the logical tables or magic tables.these are structurely similiar to the table on which trigger is defined,table on which the user action is attempted,and hold the old values and new values of the rows,that may be changed by the user. Source:
Answered by: jitendra kumar dadri | Date: 5/2/2010
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It is automatically fired at the instance when specified language is used like DML,DDL. Source:
Answered by: k.Nithyadevi | Date: 8/5/2010
| Contact k.Nithyadevi
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