Question: What is the difference between Enqueue Server and Standalone Enqueue Server?
Answer: Since NW04 Java the Enqueue Server and the Message Server for a J2EE Engine are standalone services hosted by the SAP Central Services instance (SCS). The difference between a Standalone Enqueue Server and Enqueue Service is therefore only formal: The term “service” refers to the Enqueue as part of the SCS; the term “server” refers to the Enqueue as process, either enserver (.exe) or the enqueue work process within the ABAP stack. From NW04s the Enqueue Server and the Message Server are also implemented as Services within the ABAP Sap Central Services Instance (ASCS).
What is the difference between Enqueue Server and Standalone Enqueue Server? Answer:
Since NW04 Java the Enqueue Server and the Message Server for a J2EE Engine are standalone services hosted by the SAP Central Services instance (SCS). The difference between a Standalone Enqueue Server and Enqueue Service is therefore only formal: The term “service” refers to the Enqueue as part of the SCS; the term “server” refers to the Enqueue as process, either enserver (.exe) or the enqueue work process within the ABAP stack. From NW04s the Enqueue Server and the Message Server are also implemented as Services within the ABAP Sap Central Services Instance (ASCS).