Answer: The term “virtualization” in the context of HA refers to a kind of abstraction performed by the cluster software. The software creates a virtual host that owns a virtual hostname, virtual disk, and so on. “Virtual” in that manner means that such resources cannot only be owned by one physical machine but by all of them. Which node currently owns or runs a resource is managed by the cluster software. Related “resources” are usually grouped to logical containers (for example Groups on MSCS or packages on HPSG) that can perform failovers independently.
What does "virtualization" mean? Answer:
The term “virtualization” in the context of HA refers to a kind of abstraction performed by the cluster software. The software creates a virtual host that owns a virtual hostname, virtual disk, and so on. “Virtual” in that manner means that such resources cannot only be owned by one physical machine but by all of them. Which node currently owns or runs a resource is managed by the cluster software. Related “resources” are usually grouped to logical containers (for example Groups on MSCS or packages on HPSG) that can perform failovers independently.