Question: What are Test Deliverables?
Answer: Test Plan, Test Case, Defect-Fault, and Status Report are the sets of test deliverables in any testing phase. This does not represent a definitive set of test deliverables but it will help any test organization begin the process of determining an appropriate set of deliverables. Test deliverables’ goal is to capture the required content in a useful and consistent framework as concisely as possible.
What are Test Deliverables?
Test Plan, Test Case, Defect-Fault, and Status Report are the sets of test deliverables in any testing phase. This does not represent a definitive set of test deliverables but it will help any test organization begin the process of determining an appropriate set of deliverables. Test deliverables’ goal is to capture the required content in a useful and consistent framework as concisely as possible. Source:
Test deliverables include test cases,scripts,reports like bug report,test report. they are documents delivered during software testing life cycle. Source:
Answered by: shilpacool | Date: 8/17/2008
| Contact shilpacool
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