What is test metrics ?
Test matrices is the matrices used to track the requirements to the different phases of testing process like coding,development,and testing. Source:
Answered by: roselin | Date: 11/3/2008
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The objective of Test Metrics is to capture the planned and actual quantities the effort, time and resources required to complete all the phases of Testing of the SW Project, software Metric is a measure of some property of a piece of software or its specification. Metrics generally of 2 types : (1) Process Metric & (2) Product Metric Process Metric: Measuring the characteristics of the method, tools and techniques employed in developing, implementing and maintaining the software system. Product Metric: A metric used to measure the characteristics of the documentation & code. Source:
Answered by: roselin | Date: 11/3/2008
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Test metrics accomplish in analyzing the current level of maturity in testing and give a projection on how to go about testing activities by allowing us to set goals and predict future trends. Source:
Answered by: Ramesh | Date: 11/4/2008
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Test metrics provide the stats for quality of testing for a product. The metrices figures gathered from a test cycle may used be matched for bench marking for futher releases. Source:
Answered by: Shailesh Redkar | Date: 10/25/2009
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