What is the difference between client-side script and server-side script?
Scripts executed only by the browser without contacting the server is called client-side script. It is browser dependent. The scripting code is visible to the user and hence not secure. Scripts executed by the web server and processed by the server is called server-side script. Source:
in case client side scripting the programsn are executed in client computer system and in case of server side scripting all programs are executed at server side.and all the requests are propagated to server. Source:
Answered by: rajesh | Date: 1/10/2010
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Client Side Script is executed at client side and Internet Explorer is responsible for executing Client Side Script. Server Side Script is executed at Server Side. Source:
Answered by: Atif | Date: 1/18/2010
| Contact Atif
server side scripting is executing on the server side where as the client side script is executing on the client browers.
Regards, Nicku Source:
Answered by: nicku | Date: 8/13/2010
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user want to write a code, so writing code is more complexity in clientside scriptings where as in server side scripting avoids manual coding Source:
Answered by: kbh | Date: 8/17/2010
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