What are enumerations?
enumerations is one type of user defined data type Source:
Answered by: sekhar | Date: 7/30/2008
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Enums are group of symbolic constant each having some integer value.
defines two symbolic constant PASS_MARK and MERIT_MARK as 60 and 70,- it could be done with #define as well.
However without specific values ,- the values are assigned automatically ,- starting with 0 for the first element and 1 for the second, 3 for the second etc.
In case if we state a number for the first element then it will increment the value of each consecutive elemts with '1'.
gives the values of 1-7 to the names of days. Source:
Answered by: Andrew Gecse | Date: 2/10/2009
| Contact Andrew Gecse
enumerations can be used in place of a macros for example let us consider an example where a function is failing for many reasons like array out of bounds, divide by zero ,and memory allocation failure when you call such a function and if something goes wrong you may not know for what reason exactly in that case you can make an enum like enum error { ARRAY_OUT =0, MEMORY_FAIL, DIVIDE_ZERO } and so on instead of defining each one by macro Then based on return value it would be easy to locate eror . And ofcourse it is a user defined type.The values assigned will be from 0 to the number of elements present . you can also assign different values in between like enum week { sunday, monday, tuesday=4,wednesday,thursaday} then wednesday and thursday would have a value of 5 and 6
Answered by: shwetavg | Date: 6/3/2009
| Contact shwetavg
Enums are group of symbolic constant each having some integer value.
defines two symbolic constant PASS_MARK and MERIT_MARK as 60 and 70,- it could be done with #define as well.
However without specific values ,- the values are assigned automatically ,- starting with 0 for the first element and 1 for the second, 3 for the second etc.
In case if we state a number for the first element then it will increment the value of each consecutive elemts with '1'.
gives the values of 1-7 to the names of days. Source:
Answered by: ranjith | Date: 8/25/2010
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