Explain briefly about 8085,8086 ?
8085 is a 8 bit micro processor and all registers have a size of 8-bit.the address bus width is 16 lines so it can handle 64kbytes of memory. 8086 is 16 bit microprocessor.address width of 20 lines so it can handle 1Mbyte of memory. Source:
Answered by: rama chaitanya | Date: 6/23/2008
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8085 is a 40 pin IC manufactured by intel corporation.It consist of 16 address lines and 8 data lines. 8086 is a 40 pin IC mainly used to support pipelining. Source:
Answered by: NIVAS | Date: 8/24/2008
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8085 is not a micro processor its a micro controller. Source:
Answered by: santosh | Date: 1/12/2009
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8085 is a microprocessor not a microcontroller. A microcontroller (like 8051) has inbuilt memory. 8085 does not have any. Source:
Answered by: rohit | Date: 10/27/2009
| Contact rohit
8085 is a microprocessor not a microcontroller. A microcontroller (like 8051) has inbuilt memory. 8085 does not have any. Source:
Answered by: Nagesh Naidu | Date: 1/20/2010
| Contact Nagesh Naidu
analog is the process of taking an audio or video signal (the human voice) and translating it into electronic pulses. Digital on the other hand is breaking the signal into a binary format where the audio or video data is represented by a series of "1"s and "0"s. Simple enough when it's the deviceanalog or digital phone, fax, modem, or likewisethat does all the converting Source:
Answered by: selvi | Date: 4/12/2010
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