Question: What is sql? what is the difference between sql and pl/sql?
Answer: SQL: is a structured query language which subdivided in to 5 categories like<br>DDL, DML, DQL, DCL, TCL<br>PLSQL: is a programming language structured query language which consists of procedure, function, triggers, collection.
What is sql? what is the difference between sql and pl/sql?
SQL: is a structured query language which subdivided in to 5 categories like<br>DDL, DML, DQL, DCL, TCL<br>PLSQL: is a programming language structured query language which consists of procedure, function, triggers, collection. Source:
Answered by: kiran | Date: 5/21/2008
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SQL stand for Structure Query Language. It is used to store the data on the base of specific structure. <br><br>PL/SQL stand for Programming Language/Structure Query Language. It is used for Programming to solve the logic. It contain conditional statement, Loop Statement,procedure and function. Source:
Answered by: Virender | Date: 6/5/2008
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SQL is a Structured Query Language this is based on queries.SQL Classified as<br>DML-DataManipulationLanguage<br>DDL-DataDefinitionLanguage<br>TCL-TransactionControlLanguage<br>DCL-DataControlLanguage<br><br>PL/SQL is the expansion of Procedural Language and Structured Query Language it provides you procedure and logic based such as <br>conditional statement,looping statement,storedprocedure,fuctions,cursors,packages,triggers these are used in PL/SQL Source:
Answered by: hari | Date: 2/23/2009
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