What is the difference between servlets and applets?
Servlets are to servers. Applets are to browsers. Unlike applets, however, servlets have no graphical user interface. Source:
servlets are used for server side coding and resides on servers , while applets are for client side and runs on client's browsers. Source:
Answered by: satyam dwivedi | Date: 3/17/2009
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what is difference between servlets and applets Source:
Answered by: RAJAT GHOSH | Date: 7/8/2009
Servlet 1)subclass of GenericServlet 2)Runs in a server 3)must be multi threaded or thread safe 4)no direct user interface
Applets 1)subclass of Applet 2)Runs in a browser 3)generally single thread per appplet 4)uses AWT for user interface Source:
Answered by: varad | Date: 11/17/2009
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servlets are server side components.applets are browser side components.applets are used to create static pages. but servlets are used to create dynamic pages. Source:
Answered by: k.rambabu | Date: 4/8/2010
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Servlets are run always inside the Server and it improves the functionality of a server. servlet don't have face.
Applets are run always on the browser but it improves the functionality of browser. Applets have Face. Source:
Answered by: venkateswara reddy gunapati | Date: 6/7/2010
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