I wanted to load only particular no of records suppose i have 100 records out of which i wanted to load first 10 records to target.
Select only 10 records in your source qualifier query. You can use rownum function in oracle to select 10 records. Source:
Answered by: Milind Manekar | Date: 9/17/2008
| Contact Milind Manekar
For top or bottom 10 records or else specified number of records you can use Rank transformation. Source:
Answered by: blmswapna | Date: 3/20/2009
| Contact blmswapna
You can filter the records right in source qualifier via a query with condtion as rownum<=10
You can use a sequence generater and filter pair. sequence generater would cycle the count from 1 everytime and as soon as 10 reaches, filter transformation would reject the records.
You can use a variable port for counting purpose and then use a filter to drop rows from flow as soon as count reaches to 10. Source:
Answered by: Nidhi | Date: 12/9/2009
| Contact Nidhi
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