What is the difference between ADO and ADO.NET?
ADO is used in windows based application and ADO.NET is used in web based application. Source:
Answered by: vivek | Date: 2/14/2008
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ADO is mainly used for data Access and its an Connection Oriented. where as ADO.Net is also used for Data Access and its an Connectionless Oriented. Source:
Answered by: Channabasava Banakar | Date: 2/26/2008
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ADO:- --------
-Ado is a connected architecture. -Ado is supported by Lock Types.
ADO.Net:- ---------- -Ado.Net is a Disconnected Architecture. -Ado.Net is not supported by Lock Types. Source:
Answered by: krishnasamy | Date: 7/4/2008
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Main difference is that ADO.Net is mainly XML based and by using datasets we can get disconnected recordset. Source:
Answered by: Pawan Tewari | Date: 9/19/2008
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1.Ado is created using COM technology,whereas is implemented by using .NET framework technology.
2.In ADO we can store only one table,whereas in we can store multiple tables in the dataset.
3.In ADO we can't generate relations whereas in ADO.NET we can generate relations.
4.In ADO we can't generate SQL statements whereas in ADO.NET we can generate SQL statements.
5.ADO is connection-oriented,but ADO.NET is connectionless. Source:
Answered by: UJJWAL KUMAR ADHYA | Date: 11/19/2008
ADO: 1)ActiveX data object is a connection oriented 2)No connection with XML Advantage: i) 24/7 online ii) updated information Disadvantage: 1)slow processing
ADO.NET: 1)It's disconnected architecture 2)connection with xml & sql server only Advantage: i)fast processing Disadvantage: No update information Source:
Answered by: Sathishbabu | Date: 2/17/2009
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ADO: it use RecordSet ADO.NET: it uses Dataset Source:
Answered by: SathishBabu | Date: 2/17/2009
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1.In case of ADO memory represantation of data is record set, and In case of ADO.NET memory represantation of data is dataset. 2.uses of xml is very restricted in ADO. We can use xml in ADO.NET. Source:
Answered by: SHIMUL PAUL | Date: 6/16/2009
1.ADO is a connection oriented architecture where as ADO.NET is a connection less architecture.
2.In ADO we can use recordset on the other hand in ADO.NET we can use Data set. Data set can hold table in bulk The ADO Recordset object is used to hold a set of records from a single table Source:
Answered by: Arpit Mathur | Date: 7/24/2009
| Contact Arpit Mathur
ADO allows you to create client-side cursors only. whereas ADO.NETgives you to choice either using client side or server side cursors. Source:
Answered by: rupinder kaur bhinder | Date: 9/19/2009
| Contact rupinder kaur bhinder
difference between ado and Source:
Answered by: venkat reddy | Date: 4/22/2010
| Contact venkat reddy
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