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Question: What is the difference between program counter and stack pointer?
What is the difference between data and address?
What are the difference between memory and memory location?

Answer: Program counter is a register which holds the address of next instruction when the current instruction is under execution while stack pointer is a pointer which points to the top element of the stack.Data is a value which we use in the execution of instruction. Data value can be manipulated. while a address is the some constant value to a particular memory location which the help of address of memory location we can access the data present in the memory.
Memory is a data storage device which we use to store data while a memory location is a particular memory area where the data is stored using memory location.

Category 8085 Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode / Learning Mode
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Added on 12/1/2012
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Question: What is the difference between program counter and stack pointer?
What is the difference between data and address?
What are the difference between memory and memory location?


Program counter is a register which holds the address of next instruction when the current instruction is under execution while stack pointer is a pointer which points to the top element of the stack.Data is a value which we use in the execution of instruction. Data value can be manipulated. while a address is the some constant value to a particular memory location which the help of address of memory location we can access the data present in the memory.
Memory is a data storage device which we use to store data while a memory location is a particular memory area where the data is stored using memory location.
Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: mukund jahagirdar | Date: 1/29/2008 | Contact mukund jahagirdar Contact mukund jahagirdar

Program counter stores the address of memory locations & it is auto incremented by 1 whereas stack pointer stores the address of stack top.It locates the current stack top.The data is temporarily stored in stack memory using push n pop instructions.the data is of 8 bits & address is of 16 bits.Each memory location has 16 bit address where 8 bit data is stored. this data can b extracted using various instructions .Memory means complete set of memory locations .Each memory location can store upto 8 bits data whereas 64kb of memory locations is called memory. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Ashish R | Date: 2/7/2008 | Contact Ashish R Contact Ashish R

Data: It is a raw facts and figure.
Address: It is a particular address of data.

Memory: It is a space taken by data.ex.kb,mb,gb etc.
Memory location: It is an address of a data which used some memory space.

Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: prithveeraj singh parihar | Date: 2/9/2008 | Contact prithveeraj singh parihar Contact prithveeraj singh parihar

Program Counter And Stack Pointer:
Program counter holds the address of either the first byte of the next instruction to be fetched for execution or the address of the next byte of a multi byte instruction, which has not been completely fetched. In both the cases it gets incremented automatically one by one as the instruction bytes get fetched. Also Program register keeps the address of the next instruction.

Stack pointer is a special purpose 16-bit register in the Microprocessor, which holds the address of the top of the stack.

Data And Address:

Data is the information which is required to be processed, (for eg. addition,subtraction,etc.),and address specifies the place in the memory where the data or result can be stored. In technical words, data can be retrieved from the memory if we know the address.

Memory And Memory Location:

Memory of a microprocessor is the place where the data or any result of any operation can be stored.It is the storage capacity of a microprocessor. Memory Location is the exact location or place where the data or result is stored. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Reni Antony | Date: 2/14/2008 | Contact Reni Antony Contact Reni Antony

Program counter is a register which hold the address of the instruction to be executed next where as the stack point is a memory area where the instructions are stored and extracted on LIFO principle.Stack pointer usually holds the address of instruction from the program is deviated from its normal execution while calling other subroutine or an interrupt.

memory is the area where the data is stored and the memory location can be defined as the identifier to recognize the cells where the data is stored.

Data is the information that is to be processed by the processor and the address can be defined as the recognizer of data or the name of field where the data is residing.. The address can also behave as data in some situations. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Dipti | Date: 2/19/2008 | Contact Dipti Contact Dipti

Program counter contains address of the memory location where next instruction resides.
Stack pointer points to a
memory location in R/W memory. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: XYZ | Date: 4/26/2008 | Contact XYZ Contact XYZ

Program counter stores the address of the next instruction in the main program whereas a stack pointer points to the address of the instruction in the main program that is to b executed next after the processor services an interrupt. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: hemapriya | Date: 6/5/2008 | Contact hemapriya Contact hemapriya

Program counter is the 16bit register address. it is the general purpose register and holds the address of next instruction while the current instruction is execute Stack pointer is also a 16bit register address of data item currently on the top of the stack.it includes pushing onto the stack and popping from the stack Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: R.Yakavi | Date: 6/11/2016 | Contact R.Yakavi Contact R.Yakavi

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