What is mean by aggregate aware? How we are using this function?
Aggregate awareness is a term that describes the ability of a universe to make use of aggregate tables in a database. These are tables that contain precalculated data. You can use a function called @Aggregate_Aware in the Select statement for an object that directs a query to be run against aggregate tables rather than a table containing non aggregated data.
Pros: Speed up the execution of query and Improve the performance of Sql transaction.
If you are using the aggregate tables then you must refresh the aggregate table with all fact tables to have the consistency in your result. Source:
Answered by: Shraddha Godha | Date: 2/23/2008
| Contact Shraddha Godha
Aggregate awareness function is used to enhance the performance.It is used in aggregated tables used in the designer.Aggregate functions are sum,max,min,count. By default , BO takes SUM as aggregate function for all measures.The syntax used for aggregate awareness function is @aggregate(t1.sal,t2.sal) where t1,t2 are table names. sal is the column name. Source:
Answered by: maria | Date: 3/22/2008
| Contact maria
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