How to handle cashbook?
In cash book to record all cash <br>transactions for particular day. Source:
Answered by: Deepa Bhat | Date: 8/1/2008
| Contact Deepa Bhat
Daily handling and updation of Cash Book is essential. <br>All the receipts&expenses should be entered in the respective columns at the same moment itself without delay with supporting.Cash book should be tallied with physical cash at the end of each day. A daily/weekly/monthly report also be made on this on which the supervisor should be aware of by signing on it. In case of running low cash, this should be immediately reported to meet the arising demands. No compromise on cash dealings with ourselves. Source:
Answered by: Roy Varghese | Date: 10/9/2008
| Contact Roy Varghese
Cash book used for daily activities like receipts and payments.It is useful for find out the how much cash sales and cash receipts. Source:
Answered by: prakash Reddy | Date: 12/24/2008
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The Purpose of to write Cash book is following comming and out going cash(recips and payments)by proper way and at the end of the day physically and enterd in the system both should be tally.for that keep recording on daily basis and keep it into storage.if any thing happens for cash,we will go trough for cash book.Be aware of it..Be care ful for all Cashiers Source:
Answered by: praveena | Date: 3/25/2010
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The purpose of cash book maintaing is payment of cash & receipt of cash done the end of the day cash book should be shown debit balance balance and physicla cash should be tallied everyday. Source:
Answered by: sanjiv mishra | Date: 6/10/2010
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