what is the code behind technic how it impltements?
we can write page logic in two models if we write page logic in .aspx file that is called code inlinemodel if we write page logic in a separate file that is known as code behind model Source:
Answered by: swapna | Date: 11/14/2007
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Code behind technich is the new feature of 2.0 which provides the separation of logic code with that of designing code .
As in t he previous version of all the programming logics as well as design code is being written in same file which make it more complex to edit and analys.
But in this code behind we have to separate file one is called ".aspx" file which take care of design part of the application as if we have to do any edition in design part we can do very easily. And the secnd one is langauage specific file which may be of extension ".CS",".VB" as per of the language used by the program to write the programing Logics of the application.
Answered by: Anu | Date: 4/8/2009
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Code behind is the separation of the presentation from the logic.
Presentation that includes server/HTML controls are included in the .aspx page
And the code behind file (.aspx.cs/.aspx.vb) contains the logic using the event driven model.
The code behind file derives from the Page class and at runtime the a class derieved from the code behind class is created and the .aspx controls are embedded in to it. Source:
Answered by: vikas malukani | Date: 6/4/2009
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when we write page logic on a seprate file with extension cs, partialy class, it is called code behind technic Source:
Answered by: Nirmal kumar sharma | Date: 7/13/2009
| Contact Nirmal kumar sharma
Code behind file is the simply a code or logic for particular application but that code will be placed in separate file.that is our cs or vb file.
Regards, Nicku Source:
Answered by: nicku | Date: 8/8/2010
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