What is OSPF?
It is an Internet routing protocol that scales well, can route traffic along multiple paths, and uses knowledge of an Internet's topology to make accurate routing decisions. Source:
Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) is a dynamic routing protocol for use in Internet Protocol (IP) networks. Specifically, it is a link-state routing protocol and falls into the group of interior gateway protocols, operating within an autonomous system (AS). Source:
Answered by: sharad kumar .j | Date: 12/16/2008
| Contact sharad kumar .j
open shortest path first(ospf) is a link-state routing protocol.ospf works by using the dijkstra algorithm. it uses event triggered updates.faster convergence,same topology held by all routers.topology table use LSA packets.
true regarding ospf areas: *the backbone area is also called area0 *the number u can assign an area go up to 65,535 *all areas must connect to area 0 Source:
Answered by: saroja hariharan | Date: 1/1/2010
| Contact saroja hariharan
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