How to run the job in command prompt in unix?
Using dsjob command,
dsjob -run -jobstatus projectname jobname
The dsjob command can be used from the UNIX command line to execute of the following tasks, The logon clause Starting a job Stopping a job Listing projects, jobs, stages, links, and parameters Setting an alias for a job Retrieving information Accessing log files Importing job executables Generating a report
We can start, stop, validate, and reset Datastage jobs using the –run option from the UNIX command line
Syntax :
dsjob –run [ –mode [ NORMAL | RESET | VALIDATE ] ] [ –param name=value ] [ –warn n ] [ –rows n ] [ –wait ] [ –stop ] [ –jobstatus] [–userstatus] [–local] [–opmetadata [TRUE | FALSE]] [-disableprjhandler] [-disablejobhandler] [useid] project job| job_id Source:
Answered by: rajesh varshney | Date: 7/13/2016
| Contact rajesh varshney
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