If we develop a project in C, then how can we create an exe file of it?
Assume Your Project Contains 3 different files + 1 main file containing main() function
Required Steps 2 Compile are:
1) Add/Link The File To The File Containing main() function by using preprocessor statements i.e
2) Use Compile Option or Use Compile Project
We simply RUN the code and get the exe file out of it! Source:
Answered by: MUHAMMAD AAMIR SAYEED | Date:
when your compile program and open in dos mode and type program name .c then it displays exe file. Source:
Answered by: munender reddy | Date:
| Contact munender reddy
Just compile and press F9 key to make the exe file! Or in Run->Make .Exe Then File->DosShell, the prompt comes, type the program name and press enter The program executes... Source:
Answered by: Saradha | Date:
| Contact Saradha
Say i have one file in "use" directory another in 'lib" directory and header file in "include" directory. Now we should include the header file in both files created in both use directory and lib directory. now create object files separately in lib directory and use directory again compile it from use directory then execute it Another way of doing the same thing is using makefile. Source:
Answered by: Retheesh G | Date:
| Contact Retheesh G
Say you have your C program installed in E: drive.Let your project( SAVE AS :project.C(say)) is saved here(E drive) and then U compile it.
Then open E: drive -> C program folder(TC orTurboc2) and you will see your project.exe there. Source:
Answered by: kalavnagarjuna | Date: 3/21/2008
| Contact kalavnagarjuna
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