What are the important test scenarios for testing a web site?
As a Tester you should test GUI of the website,test whether the page layout and design elements are consistent through out the site,Whether all the links provided in the website are working properly,What are the expected loads on the server?performance of the website (check for webserver response time and database query time)under heavy loads. Source:
As a Test Engineer you should also test the functionality of each and every object existing in the web page while testing a web application Source:
Answered by: Nayyar | Date:
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As a Test Engineer you have to identify Test Scenarios in the light of Test Plan. First of all, You have to assume that GUI objects and elements of a website together is One Test Scenario. Then, U have to check all the links and buttons. Go for Checking that all forms are working properly or not. Prepare Test Scenarios of the forms of a webpage.We can identify 4 different types of Test Scenarios of a form 1)Check the form with valid data in all the fields 2) Check the form with invalid data which violate the validations of fields in the form 3) check the form by leaving some mandatory fields in the form 4) Check the form with existing record details. Source:
Answered by: Mohammed Abdul Hadi | Date: 6/18/2008
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As a Tester you should test GUI of the website,test whether the page layout and design elements are consistent through out the site,Whether all the links provided in the website are working properly,What are the expected loads on the server?performance of the website (check for webserver response time and database query time)under heavy loads. Source:
Answered by: | Date: 3/4/2009
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As a tester you should perform or consider below mentioned test scenario for web testing- 1.Functionality testing 2.Performance Testing -Load and Stress testing 3.Security Testing 4.Usability Testing 5.Compatibility Testing 6.Interface Testing Source:
Answered by: Varsha Savant | Date: 10/9/2009
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