How to store and retrieve images in SQL server database through VB.NET?
SQL Server supports the ability for clients to store objects within tables Source:
Image file can be save in SQL server as a byte. Henceforth, the image is convert to a stream of byte using the IO.Memory Stream. This stream of byte can be save in a table with image data type. The process has to be reverse to retrieve the image from the server. Source:
Answered by: Nongban | Date: 1/21/2008
| Contact Nongban
To store images in Sql Database you need to set the field to image in sql server then you have to convert image to binary and then save to database location. Source:
Answered by: Pandurang Pable | Date: 3/9/2008
| Contact Pandurang Pable
In, the images can be stored into database in the form of ByteArray.At the time of retrieving,we can assign the byteArray to MemoryStream and then convert into image. Source:
Answered by: SoumyaLaxmi | Date: 2/23/2010
| Contact SoumyaLaxmi
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