Question: What type of testing is carried out to find memory- leakages?give me a sample example?
Answer: Through Volume testing it is possible. i.e., An application tries to retrieve large amount of data that require large temporary buffer area. If the data exceed the buffer area the situation of memory leakage will occur and query will fail without returning any result as sorting didn’t got finished as buffer exceeds the limit. We need to know the memory size before the test execution and after test execution by using memory related API functions or MFC functions.
What type of testing is carried out to find memory- leakages?give me a sample example?
Through Volume testing it is possible. i.e., An application tries to retrieve large amount of data that require large temporary buffer area. If the data exceed the buffer area the situation of memory leakage will occur and query will fail without returning any result as sorting didn’t got finished as buffer exceeds the limit. We need to know the memory size before the test execution and after test execution by using memory related API functions or MFC functions.
What happens in a web application when you enter all the data and click on submit button suddenly the connection goes off?where the data will go pls answer immdiately ?