Question: How to do browser testing( create a standard script and run it for the different browser combinations.)
Answer: The GUI architecture and events messaging differs from browser to borwser
like IE use Win32::OLE messaging and firefox must be using some GTK based messaging. So it is generally difficult to create one standard script that runs on all browsers.
But tools like Winrunner, QTP must be using complex procedures inside them to handle different browsers.
to me, if my application supports different browsers like IE, firefox, opera, netscape i will try to do manual testing.
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Web Testing Interview Questions & Answers -
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How to do browser testing( create a standard script and run it for the different browser combinations.)
The GUI architecture and events messaging differs from browser to borwser
like IE use Win32::OLE messaging and firefox must be using some GTK based messaging. So it is generally difficult to create one standard script that runs on all browsers.
But tools like Winrunner, QTP must be using complex procedures inside them to handle different browsers.
to me, if my application supports different browsers like IE, firefox, opera, netscape i will try to do manual testing. Source: CoolInterview.com
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