Please .. How to write the test cases of Cut/Paste & Copy/Paste in Exel format.
Please specify whether you are using mouse or key board for cut/copy.......and do u have any particular test case template.If u have any please send me if not I can write in the format which we use. Source:
Test cases for cut/paste: 1. Test if we have some text in excel to cut it. 2. Test to see whether it cuts or not when we use short cut key CTRL+X or use Cut from Edit menu. 3. Test if we have some text to copy in excel before paste it. 4. Test to see whether it pastes or not when we use short cut key CTRL+V or use Paste from Edit menu. 5. Test if we have some text to paste specific text in excel after copied it. 6. Test to see whether it copies and pastes or not when we use short cut keys CTRL+C, CTRL+V or use Copy, Paste from Edit menu. 7. Test to see whether it takes alphanumerics, numerics, special characters, spaces when we try to cut, copy and paste. 8. Test to see if we need to copy, paste, or cut specific text wherever or wherever we want in excel sheet. Source:
Answered by: Veni | Date: 5/4/2009
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