What is difference in Record set and Dataset ?
Data Reader worked as conventional Record Set of VB but Data Set Can store a complete database with all the relations and constraints.
Data Reader worked in Read only where as Data Set provide u the flexibility of Updating data also.
Data Reader worked in connected mode only, whereas Data set works in disconnected mode also. Source:
Recordset is a collection of records returned by the query.
Dataset is merely a collection of tables. Source:
Answered by: UJJWAL KUMAR ADHYA | Date: 11/19/2008
data reader and data set ,both are same ,both are retrieved the data from database but some difference is data reader is a collection of record ,records is part of table but dataset is a collection of table which stored of temporary data which generate by dataadapeter Source:
Answered by: satyendra singh | Date: 4/12/2010
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