How can create multiple inheritence inc#, with example?
A class can implement multiple interfaces.
public class A : Ix, Iy,Iz
This way you can achieve multiple inheritence Source:
In C#, a class cannot have multiple inheritance with classes. But class can have multiple inheritance with one class and more than one interface.
namespace TestClass { public class A { public void testA() { Console.WriteLine("In Class A"); } } interface IB { void testIB(); } interface IC { void testIC(); }
public class Test : A, IB, IC { public void testIB() { Console.WriteLine("In Interface IB"); } public void testIC() { Console.WriteLine("In Interface IC"); } } class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {
Test tt = new Test(); tt.testA(); tt.testIB(); tt.testIC(); Console.ReadLine(); } } } Source:
Answered by: Asha Sivan | Date: 6/25/2009
| Contact Asha Sivan
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