Question: What is .NET?
Answer: According to Microsoft, .NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways". A more practical definition would be that .NET is a new environment for developing and running software applications, featuring ease of development of web-based services, rich standard run-time services available to components written in a variety of programming languages, and inter-language and inter-machine interoperability.
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What is .NET?
According to Microsoft, .NET is a "revolutionary new platform, built on open Internet protocols and standards, with tools and services that meld computing and communications in new ways". A more practical definition would be that .NET is a new environment for developing and running software applications, featuring ease of development of web-based services, rich standard run-time services available to components written in a variety of programming languages, and inter-language and inter-machine interoperability. Source: CoolInterview.com
.Net is a platform neautral frame work,it works layer between the operating system and programming language. Source: CoolInterview.com
Answered by: Anilkumar | Date: 7/20/2009
| Contact Anilkumar
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