What is the difference between an object and a class?
Class is a userdefined datatype with data members and member functions which can be public or privately accessed depending on access specifiers.<br><br>Objects are instances of classes which identifies the class propeties.A particular class can have it's own class which makes it identifying it's object.<br> <br> <br> Source:
Class is a collection of data members and member functions.And how that data members and member functions are accessed?The ans is through OBJECT.Object is nothing but the real time entity where as class is the user defined data type. Source:
Answered by: Sangithapriya | Date: 12/8/2009
| Contact Sangithapriya
Object is the real time entity where as the classe is the collection of data members and member function
Regards Nicku Source:
Answered by: nicku | Date: 8/16/2010
| Contact nicku
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