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Question: A snail is at the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit. Every day the snail climbs 5 meters upwards, but at night it slides 4 meters back downwards. How many days does it take before the snail reaches the top of the pit?

Answer: On the first day, the snail reaches a height of 5 meters and slides down 4 meters at night, and thus ends at a height of 1 meter. On the second day, he reaches 6 m., but slides back to 2 m. On the third day, he reaches 7 m., and slides back to 3 m. ... On the fifteenth day, he reaches 19 m., and slides back to 15 m. On the sixteenth day, he reaches 20 m., so now he is at the top of the pit! Conclusion: The snail reaches the top of the pit on the 16th day!... .

Category Logical & Aptitude Interview Questions & Answers - Exam Mode / Learning Mode
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Added on 7/7/2010
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Question: A snail is at the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit. Every day the snail climbs 5 meters upwards, but at night it slides 4 meters back downwards. How many days does it take before the snail reaches the top of the pit?


On the first day, the snail reaches a height of 5 meters and slides down 4 meters at night, and thus ends at a height of 1 meter. On the second day, he reaches 6 m., but slides back to 2 m. On the third day, he reaches 7 m., and slides back to 3 m. ... On the fifteenth day, he reaches 19 m., and slides back to 15 m. On the sixteenth day, he reaches 20 m., so now he is at the top of the pit! Conclusion: The snail reaches the top of the pit on the 16th day!... . Source: CoolInterview.com

Net gain after a day and night transaction of the snail is 1 m after 15 days and nights it will be 15 meters then he will climb 5m the next day so 16 days Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Preetam Ghosh | Date: | Contact Preetam Ghosh Contact Preetam Ghosh

The snail will travel a metre per day since it climbs up 5 metres and slides down 4 metres.So it will travel 15 metres in 15 days.in the next day it will climb 5 metres and reach the top. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Darsini | Date: 6/9/2009 | Contact Darsini Contact Darsini

Goin by logic, at the end of day he travels just 1 m (5-4). He wil require 19 dayz to travel 19m.
remianin 1m, he can complete in 1/5 days (5m = 1 day, so 1m = 1/5 day). He takes 19(1/5) days to reach top. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Rahul Raje | Date: 7/22/2009 | Contact Rahul Raje Contact Rahul Raje

The answer is 20.By calculating(5-4,1+5-4,2+5-4,3+5-4,4+5-4,5+5-4.........)it reveal that each day the snail travel up to 1m therfore it will travel 20 m in 20 days. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Sampita | Date: 12/1/2009 | Contact Sampita Contact Sampita

for onday 5m climb and night 4m fall so perday only 1 m climb
so for 15 days 15m th next day 5 m climb so it reaches total 20 meters now there is no need to fell down as it already reched the pit Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: pallu | Date: 12/7/2009 | Contact pallu Contact pallu

The snail will reach at the top in 16 days as on the 16th day it will climb up 5 meters and will reach on the top and will not fall downwards. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Vikas | Date: 2/7/2010 | Contact Vikas Contact Vikas

the snail will reach on 16th day. because after fifteenth day it will on 15 meter and on 16th day it will 15+5=20 m thus it will reach on top. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: rohit | Date: 3/2/2010 | Contact rohit Contact rohit

16th day
till 15 days, he will be able to cover 15m.on 16th day, he will crawl 5m more to reach the top...after that no matter weather he slips down or not...he has anyways reached the top Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: aditi raghav | Date: 6/18/2010 | Contact aditi raghav Contact aditi raghav

The snail reaches to the top on 16th day.Daily it climbs only 1 m.On 15th day it climbs 15m.On coming to 16th It climbs 20m so It reached the goal. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Pagadala Ramakrishna | Date: 6/23/2010 | Contact Pagadala Ramakrishna Contact Pagadala Ramakrishna

ans;16 days Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: sandy | Date: 6/24/2010 | Contact sandy Contact sandy

Ans: 16th day..
In day time it climbs 5m and night time 4m so an average 1m in a day till 15th day it will complete 15m now remaining is 5m which it can complete on 16th day since day time it climbs up 5m and hence after reaching at top task is over. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Ram | Date: 7/8/2010 | Contact Ram Contact Ram

I agree with the first answer,as its seems true and can be taken as valid answer. the 16th day the snail will reach the top of the pit eventhough it slids at night. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: kavtiha | Date: 9/1/2010 | Contact kavtiha Contact kavtiha

16 days . since the snail moves up 1 meter a day so it will
reach 15 meters in 15 days. next day it will again climb 5
meters upward and reaches the top Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: joan Nassozi | Date: 9/6/2010 | Contact joan Nassozi Contact joan Nassozi

Snail will reach top in 20 days. Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Lokesh Katta | Date: 8/5/2016 | Contact Lokesh Katta Contact Lokesh Katta

In first 15 days, snail will climb 15m distance and on the next day,snail will be out of the pit by covering more 5m (i.e. remaining distance) Source: CoolInterview.com

Answered by: Shishupal B. Ladekar | Date: 8/11/2016 | Contact Shishupal B. Ladekar Contact Shishupal B. Ladekar

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