Question: Explain about batches and how are they searched?
Answer: REST supports different formats like text, JSON and XML; SOAP only supports XML; REST works only over HTTP(S) on a transport layer; SOAP can be used different protocols on a transport layer; REST works with resources, each unique URL is some representation of a resource; SOAP works with operations, which implement some business logic through different interfaces; SOAP based reads can’t be cached, for SOAP need to provide caching; REST based reads can be cached; SOAP supports SSL security and WS-security(Web Service-security); REST only supports SSL security; SOAP supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability); REST supports transactions, but it is neither ACID compliant nor can provide two phase commit.
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Explain about batches and how are they searched?
REST supports different formats like text, JSON and XML; SOAP only supports XML; REST works only over HTTP(S) on a transport layer; SOAP can be used different protocols on a transport layer; REST works with resources, each unique URL is some representation of a resource; SOAP works with operations, which implement some business logic through different interfaces; SOAP based reads can’t be cached, for SOAP need to provide caching; REST based reads can be cached; SOAP supports SSL security and WS-security(Web Service-security); REST only supports SSL security; SOAP supports ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability); REST supports transactions, but it is neither ACID compliant nor can provide two phase commit. Source: CoolInterview.com
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