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What are the defining traits of an object-oriented language?
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. For the following C program #define AREA(x)(3.14*x*x)<br>main()<br>{float r1=6.25,r2=2.5,a;<br>a=AREA(r1);<br>printf(" Area of the circle is %f", a);<br>a=AREA(r2);<br>printf(" Area of the circle is %f", a);<br>}<br> What is the Output?
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Q1.write C++ program to accept a string and display ascii value letter by letter then display sum of all ascii values. Q2.write C++ program to accept 20 nos and then display max & min.
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All the questions are compulsory. The first five questions shall be of 16 marks each and the last question shall be of 20 marks.
Q1. A. What is unary operator? List out the different operators involved in the unary operator.
B. What is an adjust field format flag?
Q2. A. Distinguish between a # include and #define.
B. Can a list of string be stored within a two dimensional array?
Q3. A. Explain how a pointer to function can be declared in C++?
B. List the merits and demerits of declaring a nested class in C++?
Q4. A. What are the syntactic rules to be avoid ambiguity in multiple inheritence?
B. Explain the operation of overloading of an assignment operator.
Q5. A. Explain how the virtual base class is different from the conventional base classes of the opps.
B. Explain how an exception handler is defined and invoked in a Program.
Q6. A. What is a binary file? List the merits and demerits of the binary file usage in C++.
B. Write short notes on Text Manipulation Routines.
C. Write bites in Turbo c++ Header (“Include”) Files.
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Given an integer N>0,write a recursive c++ function that writes the integer 1,2,.......N ?
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Write a c++ programme in order to find the day you born,such that the programmer will take your birth date (day-month-year)?
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How can I make application program using c++, that means, execute as application that have setup and install on other computer run with out c++ compiler?
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How can i create a program in C++ which would input 5 random numbers, then it would arrange them in an ascending order, in descending order, from highest to lowest value and from lowest to highest value?
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Write programs using nested loops to produce the following design: * * * * * * * * * * * * *
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plz tell how can i attach oracle database with c++?
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How to write a program to read sequences of integer from keyboard.program should sum all even and odd numbers?
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As an electric engineer choose a suitable electric engine to work in an electric metro. the power of engine is velated to the maximum speed of the metro as folloe: 0<v_max<=50km/hr. ip=0,5v_max^(2) 50<v_max<=100km/hr. ip=0,25 v_max^(2,5)+200 100<v_max. ip=2v_max^(3) choose the suitable motor and state the corre speeding power of the motor.
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What is the object-oriented design,inheritance and dynamic polymorphism in c++?
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A positive integer entered through the keyboard. Write a function to obtain the prime factors of this number. For example : prime factors of 24 are 2,2,2 and 3,, where as prime factor of 35 are 5
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