Question: How do I create frames? What is a frameset?
Answer: Frames allow an author to divide a browser window into multiple (rectangular) regions. Multiple documents can be displayed in a single window, each within its own frame. Graphical browsers allow these frames to be scrolled independently of each other, and links can update the document displayed in one frame without affecting the others. You can't just "add frames" to an existing document. Rather, you must create a frameset document that defines a particular combination of frames, and then display your content documents inside those frames. The frameset document should also include alternative non-framed content in a NOFRAMES element. The HTML 4 frames model has significant design flaws that cause usability problems for web users. Frames should be used only with great care.
How do I create frames? What is a frameset?
Frames allow an author to divide a browser window into multiple (rectangular) regions. Multiple documents can be displayed in a single window, each within its own frame. Graphical browsers allow these frames to be scrolled independently of each other, and links can update the document displayed in one frame without affecting the others. You can't just "add frames" to an existing document. Rather, you must create a frameset document that defines a particular combination of frames, and then display your content documents inside those frames. The frameset document should also include alternative non-framed content in a NOFRAMES element. The HTML 4 frames model has significant design flaws that cause usability problems for web users. Frames should be used only with great care. Source:
Frame is used to divide the brawser page into separate frame.In this example idivide the page into two rows.First row is 50% of the whole page and the second row is rest area.
<frame> <frameset rows=50%,*> <frame src="firstpage.html"> <frame src="second page.html"> </frameset> </frame>
If you want to divide the page into two column ,then use <frameset cols=50%,*> Source:
Answered by: sourav | Date: 12/28/2009
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