What are the types of cookies are there?
Answer1 Two type of cookeies. a) single valued eg request.cookies(”UserName”).value=”Mahesh” b)Multivalued cookies. These are used in the way collections are used. e.g. request.cookies(”CookiName”)(”UserName”)=”Mahesh” request.cookies(”CookiName”)(”UserID”)=”ABC003?
rember no value method in multivalued cookie
Answer2 There are two types of cookies: Session cookies Persistent cookies Source:
There are two types of cookies: Session cookies Persistent cookies Source:
Answered by: sushil | Date: 4/28/2010
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1. Session Cookies (Non Persistent Cookies) 2. Persistent Cookies Source:
Answered by: Srinivasan Baskaran | Date: 6/6/2010
| Contact Srinivasan Baskaran
There are two types of cookies 1)Persistance 2)Impersistance
Regards, Nicku Source:
Answered by: nicku | Date: 8/10/2010
| Contact nicku
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