Return and back both have the same meaning. Can we use the word “returned back”?
Yes both words have same meaning but these words use according to sentence nature. Source:
it has the same meaning but it cant be used together.You can say'will return your call'or'will call back' Source:
Answered by: shilpa | Date: 3/19/2010
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Yes,of course.As returned is a verb and back is verb and noun both.So we can say,"I returned back". Its mean "I had to return because I had forgotten something or something important to be done. Source:
Answered by: Ajay | Date: 4/18/2010
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Yes both words have same meaning but these words use according to sentence nature.
Answered by: yoendra singh | Date: 5/4/2010
| Contact yoendra singh
yes both are same & either of them can be used,or both at a time, but one minute difference is Return is giving back after utilising for the purpose but back will be used when it is not utilised or when not required Source:
Answered by: surya | Date: 7/25/2010
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