Question: Please provide us a brief history of your company?
Answer: In June 2003, CamWeb Enterprises moved into solely offering web hosting and offsite data backup services, and emerged as the re-branded BrickHost. Andrew Campbell, company CEO, has over 7 years experience in the IT industry, ranging from web design & developing to web marketing and business development. Company COO, Bryan Lokstet has an extensive background in multimedia design and business image building. Both company officers bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the company. BrickHost offers high quality hosting services from the NAC data centre, backed by the corporate server farm in NW Ontario.
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Please provide us a brief history of your company?
In June 2003, CamWeb Enterprises moved into solely offering web hosting and offsite data backup services, and emerged as the re-branded BrickHost. Andrew Campbell, company CEO, has over 7 years experience in the IT industry, ranging from web design & developing to web marketing and business development. Company COO, Bryan Lokstet has an extensive background in multimedia design and business image building. Both company officers bring a wealth of expertise and experience to the company. BrickHost offers high quality hosting services from the NAC data centre, backed by the corporate server farm in NW Ontario. Source: CoolInterview.com
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