Question: What is XSL-FO Documents? Explain XSL-FO Documents structure.
Answer: XSL-FO documents are XML files (.fo / .fob OR .xml – for being accessible by XML editors) with output information about the layout and contents.
Document Structure: As usual they need to start with the version and the encoding declaration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<fo:root> </fo:root> Namespace attribute can be written as: <fo:root xmlns:fo="">-----------------Root element of XSL-FO documents. You can have the whole document within these tags. <fo:layout-master-set> ----------------Contains page templates <fo:simple-page-master>----------------Contains a single page template <fo:page-sequence> ------------------------Describes the page contents
What is XSL-FO Documents? Explain XSL-FO Documents structure. Answer:
XSL-FO documents are XML files (.fo / .fob OR .xml – for being accessible by XML editors) with output information about the layout and contents.
Document Structure: As usual they need to start with the version and the encoding declaration: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<fo:root> </fo:root> Namespace attribute can be written as: <fo:root xmlns:fo="">-----------------Root element of XSL-FO documents. You can have the whole document within these tags. <fo:layout-master-set> ----------------Contains page templates <fo:simple-page-master>----------------Contains a single page template <fo:page-sequence> ------------------------Describes the page contents Source:
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