Why do you want to do an MBA?
MBA helps in management. Managing work and employees both. Managed things helps in getting quality work done. Source:
Answered by: Diya | Date: 8/17/2009
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one of the reasons of doing MBA is to enhance our knowledge and to be able to win within the large competition we have in the labor market, also the MBA studies is very helpful especially for the expertise, it helps them to have a look to the whole image of the topics, and how to think in a strategic way Source:
Answered by: Heba Fahmy | Date: 12/11/2009
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Education in management provides the oppotunities to make the commercialised use of this individual knowledge about the basic idea of mkt-product,price&distribution.moreover,it makes you manager by correcting your personality disorder.enable to knw fundamental of the business managerial skills and to develop personality to the perameters set by the mnc.plays vital role in what you do,to achieve your desired moto. Source:
Answered by: Dheeraj Prasad Sharma | Date: 4/3/2010
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MBA is the overall study about the management of every thing. it gives confident , leadership quality ,personalityis develope which develope managerial skill and develope knowledge. Source:
Answered by: vishal gurukar | Date: 9/2/2010
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