Question: Hi i have a doubt.Interviewer asked me: How did you design your data access layer? What should i tell for that question suppose if i use SQL server or Oracle?
Answer: The Data Access Layer, which is coming from 3-tier Architecture model.All data accessing code will maintain single entity(Data Access Layer),which is Execute NonQuery,Execute Scalar,Execute Reader and Dataset.
Hi i have a doubt.Interviewer asked me: How did you design your data access layer? What should i tell for that question suppose if i use SQL server or Oracle?
The Data Access Layer, which is coming from 3-tier Architecture model.All data accessing code will maintain single entity(Data Access Layer),which is Execute NonQuery,Execute Scalar,Execute Reader and Dataset. Source:
Answered by: krishnasamy | Date: 7/4/2008
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when they ask about Data Access Layer (DAL). it is not all about, ORACLE or SQL. It is about how you are accessing Back end (ORACLE or SQL).
Usually there are some ways to do this,
1. we can write the code to access DB (insert/update), where ever button click. (It is not good for big project. you can take this to small applications)
2. you can write a separate class and have all DB access related functions there and call where ever you want.
3. You can create a separate project and host it as windows service/web service in any machine. any one call this in your team.
to simplify,
this is the good practice
Regards, -Deva, HCL-Hyderabad
Answered by: Deva | Date: 7/26/2009
| Contact Deva
All the Db activity such as Connection open , connection close, Db calling by sp , parameter passing for Sp can be segregated in a seprate project with in the solution and this DAL project can be refered from the main project for Database releated operation so that the data access layer is independent and Faster and easy to debug and mantain Source:
Answered by: Mathan | Date: 8/16/2009
| Contact Mathan
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