Question: What are the steps for connecting to the database using JDBC?
Answer: Steps for connecting database through JDBC 1 load the Driver Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); this is Type1 driver.Its also called JDBC-ODBC Bridge. 2 Establish the connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:rahul","",""); here rahul is DSN(can be user DSN or system DSN), it eliminates the need of providing username & password now connection is established & query can be fired Submitted by Rahul Saxena ([email protected])
What are the steps for connecting to the database using JDBC?
Steps for connecting database through JDBC 1 load the Driver Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); this is Type1 driver.Its also called JDBC-ODBC Bridge. 2 Establish the connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:rahul","",""); here rahul is DSN(can be user DSN or system DSN), it eliminates the need of providing username & password now connection is established & query can be fired Submitted by Rahul Saxena ([email protected]) Source:
1) Load the driver- Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.Driver.OracleDriver"); This is type 4 driver it is also called Thin driver.. 2) Establish the connection- Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:OracleDriver:thin:@localhost:1521","scott","tiger");
Now connection is established & query canbe fired... Source:
Answered by: Navneet Kumar Amit | Date: 3/31/2010
| Contact Navneet Kumar Amit
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