Why do you save .vbs in library files in qtp?
This is the extension of Notepad application(OR)<br>Library File is a set of reusable user defined function Source:
Answered by: suvarna | Date: 11/12/2007
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The default add for the QTP is Vb script. and the script is generated in QTP is vb hence it is recomended to save the library file or the file with extension .vbs<br>U can use the defauly add in while loading the QTP and depending on the add in selected the extension should be changed.<br>I hope this will clear ur doubt n if i am wrong plz Let me know if i am wrong. Source:
Answered by: Dipti | Date: 12/5/2007
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The reason is for reusability and time saving sake for this we save the script.suppose for a particular build u generated 50 scripts suppose the build needs some more features means again u need to generate some scripts it means 50+new scripts.if u haven't saved that scripts means for new build again you have to generate same if we save easily we can reuse them Source:
Answered by: malathi | Date: 4/9/2008
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