With respect to security ,which one is the better choice?.Net or J2EE? Explain.
As per majority programmers .NET is the best one which have single vendor compare to ,the ease of use,more use friendly,you can send any problem ,it'll be solved. Source:
As per majority programmers .NET is the best one which have single vendor compare to ,the ease of use,more use friendly,you can send any problem ,it'll be solved. Source:
Answered by: truth | Date: 11/21/2007
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Yes. .Net technology provides more security than j2ee. Source:
Answered by: Bimal Chandra patel | Date: 12/28/2007
| Contact Bimal Chandra patel
As per majority programmers .NET is the best one which have single vendor compare to ,the ease of use,more user friendly, you can send any problem ,it'll be solved.
Answered by: manoj | Date: 5/28/2008
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The dot net is more secure than J2EE,because .net is having multiple modules compatible with it.All modules are depends upon each other to functions.As .net is more comfortable that provides more security for users and Data with Application. Source:
Answered by: Pravin Wade | Date: 6/3/2008
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The Dotnet is more secure than J2EE,because .net is having multiple modules compatible with it.All modules are depends upon each other to functions.As .net is more comfortable that provides more security for users and Data with Application. Source:
Answered by: Aman Miglani | Date: 12/23/2008
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every technology has its own functioning and in the terms of security it depends on the programmer as how he is coding the application, in .NET where on the one side we have example of secure website, on another side there is a unsecure website and same is with J2EE. Thus, security is depend on the programmer as how he is using the programming language to make secure application Source:
Answered by: kshitij | Date: 5/15/2009
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